Форум Кладоискатель. Металлоискатель форум.

Metal detecting near Kolki

radosc · 15 · 6521

Оффлайн radosc

Hi! Unfortunately I can't speak or write Ukrainian but I hope we can still communicate. I'm from Warsaw, Poland and would love to visit village my grand parents lived - Marianivka south of Kolki. I would really love to find anything where their house stood (any memorabiles would have immerse value for my familly) and it would be fantastic to meet some of you.  ::-

I'm a metal detectorist since more or less 10 years and I usually chase after coins and small things - don't really enjoy war stuff. If any of You would like some help in Warsaw or in Poland in general I can be of service!

I have tried to contact Ukrainian embassy to check if it is OK to use metal detector in Your beautiful county but have been bounced off to a consulate in Kiev. Will try my best to follow with it.

In any case guys, good luck!!! ;;

Форум Кладоискатель. Металлоискатель форум.

Metal detecting near Kolki
« : 21 Марта 2015, 19:05:58 »

Оффлайн Запорожець

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  • (studentzntu)
Сze??! You can arrive to Ukraine and search for us in places, where it is settled by a law. search and will find. what you use metal detector?
счастлив не тот, у кого много, а тот, кому хватает

Оффлайн radosc

:) I'm using XP Deus with 11" coil. More important than searching and finding is a good company!  *;*

Оффлайн vreditell

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сепары   что вы тут шифруете? У меня на телефонке переводчик не работает. :)

Оффлайн radosc

Я прошу прощения. Я не могу говорить или писать украинские или русский ... Но я могу копать так же хорошо, как и вы :)

Оффлайн леся

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  • Garret AC 250

Оффлайн vreditell

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Оффлайн Запорожець

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  • (studentzntu)
what you have found on your the fields? Where you live in Poland?
счастлив не тот, у кого много, а тот, кому хватает